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BITEM Projects

WeIRD - Web Intelligence for Rare Disease


The WeIRD project aims to provide the informational instruments needed to navigate, search and ultimately question the web evidence space of RD by providing access to high-quality specific contents helpful to help diagnosing RD. The system will use advanced information retrieval and text mining methods to holistically crawl, index and finally analyze all the explicit and implicit knowledge available on Rare Diseases.



The EXPAND project aims to exploit a number of selected eHealth assets developed in various initiatives in order to move from a set of point-solution pilots to a large-scale deployment of cross-border facilities. All of this with the aim of supporting Member States (MS) in delivering their local eHealth plans and improving cross-border care.


Thanks to the support of the SNF, the CALIPHO and BiTeM groups join forces to develop the next generation litterature-based biocuration platform for proteomics ! The CALIPHO group, headed by Amos Bairoch maintains the neXtProt molecular biology database.


The aim of the KnoMIE (V2.0) project is to augment the invention discovery platform developed during the V1.0 project with additional novel components. These are required to address opportunities discovered in the industrial use cases and worked examples developed during V1.0 and to directly address the associated unmet customer requirements. V2.0 will allow Iprova to accelerate its growth by ultimately further increasing the efficiency with which it can generate inventions.

MD Paedigree

MD-Paedigree represents a clinically-driven and strongly VPH-rooted project, where 7 world-renowned clinical centres of excellence pursue improved interoperability of paediatric biomedical information, data and knowledge by developing together a set of reusable and adaptable multi-scale models for more predictive, individualised, effective and safer paediatric healthcare, being scientifically and technologically supported by one of the leading industrial actors in medical applications in Europe operating in conjunction with highly qualified SMEs and some of the most experienced research partners in the VPH community.

WebSO: An Open Source Web intelligence System

The main project objective is to develop a competitive intelligence prototype for SME. The business model is part of the project and will be clarified during the first part of the project. However one of the motivation is to deliver Open Source Tools to help SME.


Feasibility study with the goal to get a better insight in full-text search opportunities on top of a patent database.


Real-time Engine for Selecting Information for Patentable Innovation

Iprova Sarl has developed a semi-automated technology for the automatic generation of certain classes of physical science inventions. Its technology has already produced a number of innovations including one which has been patented by EPFL. A number of leading companies have evaluated Iprova's technology and agreed to participate in a pilot program. The aim of the proposed project is to produce a fully automated version of the technology. This includes addressing key challenges such as semantic correlation in the context of automated innovation.

The project is supported by the CTI.

KHRESMOI: Knowledge Helper for Medical and Other Information users

A multi-modal search and access system for biomedical information and documents to federate literature (MEDLINE), including full-text contents (e.g. PubMed Central), knowledge bases (e.g. Orphanet, OMIM...), and web contents (e.g. Wikipedia, MedPedia...).