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FAIRClinical - FAIR-ification of Supplementary Data to Support Clinical Research

The #FAIR Clinical project, funded by the CHIST-ERA ERA-NET grant (call CHIST-ERA-22-ORD-02) via the SNF for Switzerland (grant number 217525) was officially started on March 1st.

FAIR Clinical will enhance the FAIR-ness of the long tail of supplementary data files, as available in PubMed Central, and significantly improve the reuse of unstructured clinical case report forms (CRFs): first, by adding meta-data (e.g., demographics, anamnesis, procedures, diagnosis, prescription) and make them available to scientists to search supplementary data files in the SIB Literature Services (#SIBiLS, Second, we will focus on a subset of articles and their supplementary data, mainly CRFs with the objective to deliver a synthetic analogon of EHR contents with proper structuring based on #OMOP and #FHIR standards.

Articles describing a clinical use case in the SIB Literature Services will be enriched with a "twin" version of it using OMOP/FHIR standards, thus