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The EXPAND project aims to exploit a number of selected eHealth assets developed in various initiatives in order to move from a set of point-solution pilots to a large-scale deployment of cross-border facilities. All of this with the aim of supporting Member States (MS) in delivering their local eHealth plans and improving cross-border care.

In particular, the objective of EXPAND is to maintain and expand already existing available infostructure resources and act as a catalyst for real operational use by MS. The initial focus of EXPAND will be to maintain the epSOS pilot services and where appropriate expand them by re-using mature assets from other pilot projects, up to the launch of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) and foresee a proper handover to it.

EXPAND will therefore focus on demonstrating expansibility and scalability, as well as the potential of accelerated deployment through re-using eHealth assets created by EU projects. In order to meet this overarching objective, the network will focus also on establishing an assessment scheme through which maturity, usability and appropriateness of the assets developed by standardization bodies and EU projects can be determined.

EXPAND will integrate relevant recommendations from epSOS, Semantic Health Net (SHN), CALLIOPE, eHR4CR, PARENT and other projects and will be guided by the decisions taken by the eHealth Network (eHN). Work from Trillium Bridge project as well as ongoing work at eHGI will be taken into account.

Within the EXPAND project, the BiTeM group of the HES-SO Genève will be maintaining and upgrading epSOS assets to exchange Electronic Health Records into different languages (e.g. French, German).