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Main achievements of the group in 2023

This post is a brief recap of the main achievements of the group in 2023.

The year was extremely rich for the SIB literature services as the Biodiversity PMC portal has been launched and presented at TDWG 2023 in Tasmania. Biodiversity built on top of the BICIKL project, coordinated by Pensoft. The new platform is designed to serve biodiversity, ecological and environmental sciences as it provides Open Access to the large collections of articles in the field. The platform provides also direct access to PLAZI' treatments: a collection of about 500 000 curated taxonomic treatments extracted from the literature. Further, we also launched the Supplementary Data Index, which contains about 20 millions files from PMC (e.g., XLS, CSV, DOC, PDF), including OCR-ized images (e.g., tig, gif, jpeg). A growing set of articles relevant for biodiversity studies (e.g., European Journal of Taxonomy) but not part of the NLM's PubMed Central archive are added to PMC collection of Biodiversity PMC, therefore we renamed this collection PMC+ !

A recap of our publications can be found here.

Thanks to the e-BioDiv support from swissuniversities, we also delivered the e-BioDiv matching portal, see e-BioDiv Matching Services. Of particular interest for Swiss natural history and botanical garden collections, most biodiversity-related Swiss journals (e.g., Candollea) are now part of Biodiversity PMC thanks to PLAZI's TreatmentBank.